SPATARO Società Olivicola Val di Noto - Oil Mill -Produzione e vendita - Visit Ispica
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SPATARO Società Olivicola Val di Noto – Oil Mill

    SPATARO – Società Olivicola Val di Noto a r.l.

    C.da Garzalla
    97014 Ispica, Ragusa – Italy

    Oleificio Padre Pio - Oil mill
    C.da Gisira
    96017 Noto, Siracusa – Italia
    Tel. / Fax +39 0931 855709

    VAL DI NOTO Olive Oil Society - Spataro


    The VAL DI NOTO Olive Oil Society - Spataro , was born from the intuition and passion of its founder, Mr. Corrado Spataro , who in 1994 made his greatest dream, which is to produce high-quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil , destined for a niche market.

    We are in the ancient heart of VAL DI NOTO , in a wonderfully intact territory devoted to agriculture. Here the 2660 hours of sunshine a year (our territory is located at a latitude south of Tunis!) Bring the olives to maturity already in September.

    Following the teaching of the fathers, we still collect them green, within the second week of the month (about 3 weeks before the norm).

    We produce a OlioExtra Vergine d’Oliva color deep green and brilliant . Intense aroma of artichoke and green tomatoes. Fruity notes of cedar and hints of basil. The palate is soft , a sweet tip and a slight spicy sensation.

    Today the Oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil VAL DI NOTO , is present in the best restaurants of South-Eastern Sicily  and is ready to be launched also in the rest of the peninsula, France and Germany.